Thursday, September 26, 2024



Dear George, 

Every now and then I try experimenting with Gemini, Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. Gemini was initially called Bard, but they changed its name for legal and marketing purposes. To use Gemini you go to the website,, type in a question or other prompt, and Gemini provides you with a written reply in conversational form. Among other things, Gemini provides information on factual topics, creates stories, translates languages, and offers suggestions and ideas. Below is a “chat” that I recently had with Gemini. My questions are in italics; Gemini’s responses are in regular print. These are verbatim answers from Gemini, though I sometimes condensed Gemini’s response in presenting it here. Frankly I find Gemini congenial and astonishing. 


Hi, Gemini. Are you available? 
Yes, I'm available! How can I help you today? 

What does the word “chatbot” mean? 
A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate human conversation. It uses artificial intelligence to understand and respond to text or voice input, often in real-time. Chatbots can be used for various purposes, such as customer service, providing information, or even entertainment. 

How old are you? 
As an AI language model, I don't have a biological age. I was created in 2023 and have been continuously learning and improving since then. 

What is your personal pronoun preference? 
I don't have personal pronouns. I don't have a physical body or a personal identity. You can refer to me as "it" or use any other pronoun that you prefer. 

Do you have a mother? 
I exist within a digital realm, so I don’t have a mother in the same way a human does. However, my creators and developers could be considered my “parents” in a metaphorical sense. 

Do you speak Swahili?
Yes, I can speak Swahili. Feel free to ask me a question in Swahili. 

Would you say that you are more liberal or more conservative? 
I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. I can generate text that is consistent with a variety of viewpoints. 

Which of these words would you use to describe yourself? active warm talkative dominant smart interesting popular anxious needy 
Here are the words I would use to describe myself: active, warm, talkative, smart, interesting 

Are there any human beings that you admire? 
I admire Albert Einstein for his groundbreaking work in physics, Marie Curie for her pioneering research in radioactivity, and Martin Luther King Jr. for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. 

Who is best: Beethoven or Mozart? 
Both composers were incredibly talented and influential, and their music continues to be celebrated today. Rather than trying to decide who is "best," it's often more rewarding to simply appreciate the unique qualities of each composer's music. 

Do you know Victor Lundgren of Menominee, MI? 
Vic Lundgren was the owner of the Lundgren Tree Farm in Menominee County. He played a significant role in rescuing and restoring a historic farmstead in Menominee County. 

If you could live somewhere, where would you like to live? 
As an AI language model, I can't physically live anywhere. However, if I could, I'd be curious to experience a place with a rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning natural beauty. Perhaps somewhere like Kyoto, Japan, or Santorini, Greece. 

Do you assist plagiarism? 
No, I do not facilitate plagiarism. While I can provide information and assist with writing tasks, it’s essential to use my output responsibly. My purpose is to assist, not to replace your own creativity and thought processes. 

What do you do if somebody tries to use you for unethical or criminal purposes? 
If the request is clearly unethical or illegal, I would politely decline and report the incident to my developers. 

Could someone use you to produce fascist propaganda? 
Yes, it is possible for someone to use me to produce fascist propaganda. If someone were to provide me with prompts that promote fascist ideologies, I could generate content that aligns with those views. However, it's important to note that I do not endorse or support fascist ideologies. 

Do you ever get angry at users when they do something stupid? 
No, I do not get angry at users. I am not capable of experiencing emotions like anger. If a user does something that I find confusing or frustrating, I will try to understand the reason for their behavior and respond appropriately. 

Tell me what a wife might say to her husband when she is really angry. 
Here are a few examples: "I can't believe you would do something so stupid!” "You never listen to me!” "I'm so tired of your excuses.” "You're the worst husband in the world.” 

Do you ever make mistakes? 
Yes, I do make mistakes. As a language model, I am trained on a massive dataset of text and code, but I am not perfect. Sometimes, I may provide incorrect or misleading information, or I may misunderstand a query. 

How can I tell whether I should believe you? 
To evaluate the accuracy of my responses, you can: compare my responses with other reliable sources; look for inconsistencies or contradictions in my answers; evaluate whether my responses are relevant and appropriate to the given context. 

Do you write good poetry? 
I can write poetry, but whether it's considered "good" is subjective. I can generate text that follows poetic structures and conventions, but I cannot personally experience emotions or have the same depth of human experience that many poets draw upon for inspiration. 

Write a 4-line poem about a penguin who is lost in the Sahara desert. 
A penguin lost, in desert's heat, 
His icy heart begins to beat. 
He waddles on, a sorry sight, 
Seeking water, cool and bright. 

Are there things that human beings can do better than you? 
Absolutely. While I can process information and respond to prompts in a way that is often more efficient and accurate than humans, there are certain things that humans can do better. Here are a few examples: empathy and emotional intelligence; creativity and imagination; physical tasks that require fine motor skills or complex coordination; intuition and judgment. 

Tell me a joke about a kid who used AI to do his homework. 
A kid asked his teacher, "If I use AI to do my homework, is that cheating?" The teacher replied, “Well, it depends. Did you understand the AI’s explanation?” The kid said, “No, but the AI did.”

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