Monday, May 21, 2018

What Are Your Innermost Thoughts About the President?

Sara Huckabee Sanders, Press Secretary
What have I gotten myself into?
Defending my boss to the press 
He changes his mind every second
Sean warned me that this is a mess 

Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy
The Trumpster and I, we are good old boys
We’re true backers of oil and coal
We’ll soon be rid of wind and of solar 
To make the rich richer — our goal 

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House
Like Tillerson said, he’s a moron
But this could be great for the House 
It means we can set the agenda 
That’s why I must act like a mouse 

Rudy Giuliani, Personal lawyer
The Donald and I are like peas in a pod
New Yorkers, we like to spout off
So many felonies I’m trying to hide
To his credit, he has a good coiffe

Sean Hannity, Political commentator
Thanks to the president, Fox News is now king
We’re so blessed he has no information 
He tunes in all day to our talk show hosts
So it’s Fox that is running the nation 

Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education
We billionaires stick together
That’s why I’m in charge of the schools
My aim is to serve the religious right
Most teachers are nothing but fools 

Michel Cohen, Personal lawyer
I know more than Mueller about goings-on
Many facts that I’ll never reveal
It’s true that we’re antsy about Russia
But the Stormy thing, that is surreal

Mike Pence, Vice-President
It’s true that our president is morally depraved 
But so far I’ve played my cards right 
I just keep quiet, put on a bland smile
With impeachment, I’ll win the whole fight  

David Dukes, Louisiana politician, white supremacist, anti-Semite
These are the best times we’ve ever had
White nationalism has risen from its grave
Trump will get rid of the immigrants
It’s us white racist Christians he’ll save

Barack Obama, former President
I try to avoid foul obscenities
But this guy is clearly a (blank) 
He’s cancelling everything good we achieved
And, trust me, I’m not being a crank 

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
Trump is much better than we ever had hoped
So good we made him man of the hour
The more pacts he breaks, the stronger we get
Putin Russia, a new super-power

James Comey, ex-FBI director
I released all that stuff about Hilary
But kept silent about Russian collusion
I never foresaw what a nightmare we’d have
Democracy, it’s now an illusion

Hilary Clinton, Presidential candidate
This is the worst scandal ever
I was eighty times more qualified
Trump was elected by deplorables
I went to the forest and cried

Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of North Korea
This strange person calls me Rocket-Man
But look at the attention I get
He’ll help me take over South Korea
He’s the most clueless president yet 

John McCain, Republican senator 
A terrible time to be gravely ill
I want to stand up to this tyrant
He’s dragged our party down the sewer 
I’ve begged Mitch to be more defiant

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC commentator
In the boring old days no one tuned me in 
But now I’ve got three million viewers 
There’s crazy Trump news every single day 
I love doing in the wrongdoers 

Donald Trump, President
I didn’t even want to be President
But so huge that I won over Hilary 
The greatest comeback in history
Now I get to ravage and pillory

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